People often undertake a Google web search for a “cheap Notary Public” but can you find such a Notary Public in London? London has the greatest concentration on Notaries in the UK which provides the best opportunity to sensibly compare the Notary fees charged.
Notary Fees can vary greatly and be influenced by:
1. VAT – does the Notary charge VAT? If not this can provide a useful 20% saving for individuals.
2. Multiple document discounts – some Notary fees will be reduced for multiple documents with sometimes up to a 50% fee discount applied.
3. Can the document be dealt with by a Commissioner for Oaths – if the document is for use within the UK then often a Commissioner for Oaths can witness the signing of the document for a very cheap fee of usually £5.
Whilst Notaries are required to charge a reasonable fee the actual fee charged can vary by as much as 100%. On this basis we would suggest shopping around and/or using a Notary Fee comparison website. Which ever Notary you decide to use always ensuring you have a fixed Notary Fee quote before you agree to instruct the Notary Public.